This episode, we have the second verse of the ending theme. 強打 (kyoda) is a strong hit, and we already covered 爆裂 last episode. 爆裂強打の型 (bakuretsu kyoda no kata) is the attack I translated as Explosive Strike Style. The note Asumu’s mom leaves calls him 坊ちゃま (bouchama), which means “young master” and would generally be used by servants. 乱れ (midare) means disorderly/deranged/disturbed/agitated. The new variant is identified as a 乱れ童子 (midare douji). The armored Douji from the previous episode is here identified as a Warrior Douji (武者童子, musha douji). Danki’s name is written thusly: 弾鬼, literally “bullet demon.” However, given that he’s another drum-user like Hibiki, and 弾く (hiku) is the verb used for playing drums (and pianos, and guitars…), I tried to find a translation that could refer to both a bullet/gunshot and drums. When translating the name, I opted to leave off the first part to avoid redundancy, as it literally means “sound attack drum.” As for the rest, 爆裂 (bakuretsu) means exploding, 火炎 (kaen) means flames/blaze and 鼓 (tsuzumi) means hand drum. Hibiki’s new Blaze Explosion Drum is 音撃鼓・爆裂火炎鼓 (ongekiko: bakuretsu kaen tsuzumi) in the original Japanese. The only difficult part of it is 遊撃 (yuugeki), which refers to an attack by a mobile unit, military action with no predetermined target, and attacking enemies or assisting allies when the need arises. 特別遊撃班 (tokubetsu yuugeki-han) is the phrase I translated as Special Mobile Attack Unit. The original Japanese goes from けど (kedo) to ド頭の良くなる (do atama no yokunaru, “make you really smart”), with the repeated ド (do) being a way of emphasizing what follows it. Transitioning “things” into “including” might be a bit of a stretch, but it was the best I could do. The song Asumu’s mom sings follows the same pattern as Hibiki’s songs. While I thought “billowing” would be the better translation choice, it didn’t seem like something Hibiki would say. 猛火 means “raging/roaring flames” and 怒涛 refers to billowing/surging (usually in reference to waves). 猛火怒涛の型 (kyoku ka dotou no kata) is the attack I translated as Surging Flame Style.
Literally, the original Japanese (春の新作, haru no shinsaku) would mean “new spring products.”
The line about Midori’s “new spring collection” was me having a little fun. They’re usually summoned via slips of paper (the “gami” part uses the kanji for “god”, but can also mean “paper”). Shikigami are, very basically, summoned familiars associated with Onmyouji. Midori’s line about Hattori Hanzo evidently references both how Hanzo’s nickname was “the demon” and how his first and last name both start with the same letter, like every other Demon in this series. Holy crap, lots of translation notes for these (part of the reason they took so long). 免許皆伝 (menkyokaiden) refers to someone mastering something or becoming proficient in it, but the implication here is that he’s graduated from apprentice status to full-fledged Demon. Todoroki’s explanation for not taking Zanki’s name was a bit difficult to translate. 雷電激震 (raiden gekishin), which I translated as “seismic thunder”, is made up of compounds meaning “thunder and lightning” and “severe earthquake.”. Later, I translate it as “slaying sound”, as including the “attack” part seemed redundant. It literally means “slaying sound attack.” For timing purposes, I opted to have Zanki simply call it a “finisher” during the initial battle. 音撃斬 (ongeki zan) is the word for stringed-instrument finishing moves. 轟く (todoroku), the verb Todoroki gets his name from, which also features in the episode title, means rumbling/roaring/thundering. Ashio and a few other towns were actually merged into Nikkou in 2006, but they were separate entities back when Hibiki was produced. Nikkou and Ashio are a city and town, respectively, in Tochigi Prefecture. KAMEN RIDER DRIVE EPISODE 6 ENGLISH SUB FREE
One site gave a pretty good explanation of it: “Things like, getting 1 package of tea free for every 2 you buy, or buying 1 package and getting a second half-off.” Calling it a “bonus buy day” was the best I could come up with.
Translating 得々市 (tokutokuichi) took a bit of digging. Since the word “team” only works in one of those contexts in English, I changed it to the equally euphemistic “partnership” in the second. Hinaka uses the word コンビ (konbi) to refer to Zanki and Todayama’s team and as a euphemism for her and Todayama going on a date. Zanki uses the second of these (in a negative sense) later in the episode, in the line I translated as “I’m not young anymore.” It can mean one of two things: either someone who does their work with zeal, or someone who continues doing something just as actively now as when they were younger. The phrase I translated as “really active” when Hibiki describes Ibuki is バリバリの現役 (baribari no gen’eki). The character 雷 can be translated as both “thunder” and “lightning”, so I used whichever one fit the current line’s context better.